Posts Tagged: sculpture

Language and Loss: Reading in the common S E N S E

“Beauty is vapour from the pit of death.” (The Peregrine, p. 180) For the last several months, I’ve been coming to the Henry Art Gallery most Wednesdays to read from a book about a hawk season in the fenlands of eastern England. To describe J.A. Baker’s The Peregrine as only that, though, would be to diminish it. Baker’s… Read more »

Menagerie, Meal, Museum: Animals in Paris

Paris, in April, was teeming with people: spring break tourists queuing up to see the famous sights and the politically passionate, or perhaps just paid, papering its telephone poles with images of and messages from politicians who would meet their fates in the elections just after we left. The elegant Museé de la Chasse et… Read more »